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Vernacular Reinterpretation

The commission is to develop a detached house concept design at a new island township. It would have been much simpler to design a house that has no cultural and architectural relevance. In this case, an island with no existing buildings, the natural inclination will be to acknowledge the historical and cultural context of the region. The result is a solution that integrated vernacular sensibilities with modernism. While taking care in revisiting practical design ideas from the past, the design of the spaces is unmistakably modern. 

The footprint of the house is designed in relation to the position of the sun, the sea views and practical usage. The floor plan reveals, from the entrance, a sequence of increasingly larger spaces unfolding as you progress towards the outdoor terrace with panoramic sea view. Designed to be a retreat, all sustainable ideas are designed to be passive and economical viable and practical for mass implementation. Solar panels provide the basic energy needs while storage tank from harvesting of rainwater will supplement daily water usage. The intent is to encourage a sustainable lifestyle to the general public and allow people from the developing countries to understand the environmental implications of their daily activities and actions. 


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